Puppy & Kitten Care
Tharp Animal Health Care Center Loves Puppies and Kittens!
Did you adopt or purchase a new kitten or puppy?

Bring your puppy or kitten to us and receive:
- First physical exam FREE!
- FREE puppy or kitten kit!
- A special 20% discount on series of four booster shot appointments (three for kittens) needed over the first 16 weeks of your puppy’s or kitten’s life. Puppy = four appointments in all in first 16 weeks of life starting at 6 weeks. Kitten = three appointments required in first 16 weeks of life starting at 8 weeks. Those truly devoted to their puppy’s (kitten’s) health by scheduling and keeping all four puppy appointments (three kitten appointments) required for complete protection of your pet will receive 20% special discount on total cost of all appointments at time of last appointment. The services include wellness screening and vaccinations. Also ask us about spaying and neutering.
Having a puppy or kitten is a lot of fun and can be a real source of joy. Fortunately, they don't need very much, just good food, shelter, love, discipline, and some basic health care needs.
You are in charge of the food, shelter, love, and discipline. We will take care of the health needs. Most of the time, we will need to see a puppy four times the first year and a kitten three times. During those visits, we will evaluate your pet’s health, growth, and development. We will administer the vaccines he or she so vitally needs and we will talk about various health topics as we go.
The Three Most Important Things You can do for Your Puppy or Kitten Are:
- Get the vaccinations done
- Get them done on time, and
- Get them done correctly
Routine vaccinations can prevent a host of diseases, many of which were once considered fatal to pets. Puppies and kittens should start receiving vaccinations at approximately 6 and 8 weeks of age respectively. We understand that each pet has different needs when it comes to vaccinations and we work with you to tailor a vaccine protocol that meets your pet’s needs.
Puppies and kittens have health needs that are different from adult and senior pets.
Tharp Animal Health Care Center’s Special Puppy/Kitten Program Includes:

- Complete physical exam
- Vaccinations
- Fecal parasite testing
- Deworming
- Dental Checkup – Kittens and puppies also need to be checked to ensure they are developing an appropriate bite and that they are losing their baby teeth at the right time. We also take the time to discuss proper home dental care with you.
- Microchip – A microchip can be placed at the time of a spay or neuter for convenience or as an alone procedure. It can be life saving if your pet were to be lost or stolen.
- Behavior counseling – crate training, biting, chewing, etc.
- Free Consultation for Puppy and Dog Owners – During these consultations, we will discuss puppy vaccinations and vaccination boosters, natural diets for growing and adult dogs, raw foods versus home-cooked versus commercial pet foods, exercise and weight management, proper collars and leads, health benefits of early spaying and neutering, flea and tick prevention, avoiding household toxins, breed-specific medical conditions, how to prevent dental disease and more.
- Free Consultation for Kitten and Cat Owners – During these consultations, we will discuss kitten vaccinations and vaccination boosters, natural diets for growing and adult cats, raw foods versus home-cooked versus commercial pet foods, health benefits of early spaying and neutering, exercise and weight management, breed-specific medical conditions, how to live with a clawed cat, the pros and cons of a declawed cat, flea and tick prevention, how to trim your cat’s nails, avoiding household toxins, how to prevent dental disease, how to manage upper respiratory infections and prevent recurrence and more.